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Turn your customers into loyal advocates. A fully-rounded loyalty program boosts your acquisition as well as retention. While your customers  can do this on their own via social media or word of mouth, we want to make it as easy as possible for them to refer you to more people.


Frictionless customer experience.

Turn existing customers into brand advocates with as little friction as possible by having referral options built into your loyalty app. We make it easy for your customers to refer their friends in a way that suits them, using whichever channel (social media, messaging, email) they use most often. 

Frictionless customer experience.

Make word-of-mouth rewarding.

Most loyalty programs are built around rewards, so why shouldn’t your referral system be as well? By creating incentives for both the referrer and referee through your loyalty card app, you can encourage more and more people to share your message and advocate for your brand.

Find out more

Fully tracked.

Make it easy for customers to refer friends with unique URLs delivered via email, social and mobile. Our events-based system tracks the complete referral lifecycle, letting you include the value of referred customers when analysing your customers’ lifetime value.

Fully tracked.


You could leave referring entirely in the hands of your customers, but why wait for them to do so? Build a more accurate segmentation and targeting strategy with our powerful engine. Then, send your most active and engaged users a personalised incentive to start referring their friends.

SKB Bank

Case Study

SKB Bank

SKB Bank Case Study

Learn how SKB Bank drove 3.5% referral rate using gamification.