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Not for Profit

Creating memorable and unique experiences sets your not-for-profit business apart from others, inspiring your donors to keep contributing.

Not for Profit


Limited funding

Constant battle for donations and membership subscriptions

Lack of contributor and volunteer retention and engagement

Suggested Use Cases

Member Rewards

An out of the box rewards solution to make it more attractive to become a customer and add value to stay a customer.

Instant Cashback

Using affiliate offers, let your customers automatically earn cashback on their online shopping with your own branded extension or SDK.

B2C Loyalty

Keep your customers happy with a digital loyalty program. Get closer to your customers, incentivise behaviours and personalise offers.

Build loyalty with your donors

Engage and retain more members with value-adding rewards. Finding new members is not cost effective, so you should focus on keeping your existing members happy. Offering rewards for regular donors encourages emotional connection and strengthens your relationship, making them more likely to stick around.

Build loyalty with your donors

Round up technology

Donating has never been easier — with card linking, donors can choose to round up their purchases and donate the pennies/cents to a good cause. It’s efficient and seamless!


Learn more about card linking
Round up technology

Merchant-funded offers

Charities need to keep their donors close by establishing an emotional relationship with them. The best way to do that is with rewards. What if we told you that these rewards could pay for themselves? Use our instant cashback solution to offer your customers automatic cashback on their online shopping. You can then decide how they can redeem their cashback - as gift cards or donations.


Check out our instant cashback solution
Merchant-funded offers

Modern solutions for modern businesses

Just like other organisations, not for profit organisations should offer a digital platform for their rewards schemes. It’s easily accessible and not to mention seamless to use for their sponsors. The technology behind it makes sure data collection is a breeze, and the user experience will engage volunteers.

Modern solutions for modern businesses

Incentivise & gamify referrals

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the best ways to influence and encourage organic discussions about your organisation. Have your donors refer you to their friends, family, or similar businesses who are looking for a not-for-profit to donate to. With our platform, you can incentivise such behaviour with rewards and gamify the action to make it more engaging.

Read about referrals
Incentivise & gamify referrals

Popular technologies in your industry